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Buy a voucher to the Lehká Hlava online in our shop here!
The interior of our restaurant is a product of combining the work of several friends. The main character behind the design and creation of Clear Head is Žanda Gebauer. A big role also goes to and architect and designer Viktor Koreis, as well as a young artist Ieva Ozola, the author of our new murals and the design of our new menu.
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Monday to Friday:
11:30 to 22:30
Saturday to Sunday
12:00 to 22:30
A reduced range of hot cuisine: 15:30 - 17:30
Warm kitchen closes one hour before the end of opening hours
Boršov 280/2,
Praha 1 - Staré Město
An oasis of peace in the proximity of Charles Bridge, a courtyard connecting to the street Karolíny Světlé, between the streets Náprstkova and Betlémská.
+420 222 220 665
Due to the occupancy of our restaurant please use our online reservation system